Happy Valentine's Day!

Published: Wed, 02/12/14

It's a Day to be, feel and show love!
 In this newsletter, we have something (a part written for) everyone. Whether you are a man, woman, single, dating, married, happy, unhappy ~ you can skim the newsletter to find the section that fits you or read through it~ it may have something for someone you know! (Please forward this if it could help someone you know or brighten their day!)Be sure to get the Valentine's Day Gift we have for you!

What does love mean to you? Exercise
What does love mean to you? Does it have different meanings in different aspects of your life? Do you feel more less strongly about different people, aspects or things in your life?

Take some time to write out what love means to you. You could list the things that you like or don't and what you would like more and less of in your life. In order to have a life full of love, there has to be room for it in your life. 

You can keep this exercise going as long as you like. Add to it as things come up  or as things in your life change. 
If you have a list going of more of what you want in your life, be sure to check 'it' off when you get what you want and replace that blank space with something else. You can do everything from personality and character traits to a new office chair. the sky is the limit. If you love it, if it will bring you joy ~ write it down. If you can think of it, you can create it. And, the more you love it, the easier it will be! 

~ Get a Journal for Love/Relationships ~

 Changes Made Easy

It's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun! We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. 

Shop Changes Made Easy ~ Products that Inspire

 ♥ Our Valentine's Day Gift to You 
   Feeling Sexy ALL the Time

This 31 page eBook is full of affirmation images (for men and women)  to remind you that you are sexy, powerful, in control and that you are comfortable in your body. You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere! You can use them all or just the ones you need at the time. Enjoy! 

 Hi. I'm Single on Valentine's Day. *sigh*

It's Valentine's Day ~ Yep. Relationships are on everyone's mind. And, those of us that do not not have anyone (and would like to) are painfully aware that we are single. single. single. single. Well, fret no more... You don't need to settle or lower your standards. You don't need to hit the corner pub every single (there's that word again) night in hopes of meeting someone. And you don't need to get all dressed up every time you leave the house ~ just in case. And, no more answering (or looking through) singles ads.

All you have to do is listen to a download. 

It doesn't matter if you are a man seeking the perfect lady or woman seeking an old fashioned gentleman. It doesn't matter if you are a man seeking a man or a woman seeking a woman. It doesn't matter if you are young or old ~ seeking younger or older. Just be sure to pick the correct download. If your ideal mate is a man~ get Create the Perfect Man. If your ideal mate is a woman~ get Magnetizing your Perfect Woman.

the catch... You have to listen to it and you have to believe it... And, if you don't believe it now ~ try it and convince yourself it IS possible. 

Be open... They are coming!

 Creating Your Perfect Mate Downloads 
Creating the Perfect Man or Magnetizing your Perfect Woman is simple and easy with this download. Manifest your perfect mate to you with your mind!

I'm Taken and not as happy as I want to be or pretend to be.
Well, no one knows more about what's going on in your mind and your relationship than you. You are the one who knows what you need.
Check out our Black Boards for Relationships. They take out the negative/bad thoughts/programs and puts in positive/good programs. If you are always worried about something, you don't 'really' know what the truth is because those negative thoughts are always lingering or nagging at you.
The Relationship Black Board and the Relationship Black Board~Trust are great for everyone. Really. Everyone. You and your partner can even listen to them together! (They're good for [older]  teenagers, too. Give them the gift of good relationship programming!)
Improve Your Relationships Download 
Manifesting Good Relationships
Change your relationships now; bring the right people into your life, improve all of your relationships and make good (better) relationship choices in every aspect of your life. 
 I'm alone and I love it! or I'm with someone and they cannot be here for Valentine's Day.
Happy You! It's a great holiday to spend time doing what you love or spending time with friends and loved ones.
You can spend an evening alone or have a huge dinner party. You can send yourself flowers or send them anonymously to someone you know would absolutely love them!
Enjoy this holiday!

John Smith
With Light and Love,
Everyone here at 
Spiritual answers and Solutions.com

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